Attorney Generals In 17 States Call For Ban On Snoop's 'Blast' Drink

Original Story The Attorney Generals of 17 states in the U.S. are calling on Pabst Brewing Company to decrease the alcohol content of Blast by Colt 45, a new controversial drink endorsed by rapper Snoop Dogg.

Illinois' Attorney General Lisa Madigan said the drink promotes abuse and "binge drinking" amongst young people, due to the packaging, flavors and the inclusion of Snoop as a spokesman for the drink.

The AG's believe Pabst Brewing Company is purposely marketing the drink to underaged children, although reps for Pabst maintain that Blast by Colt 45 strictly for those over the legal drinking age of 21.

“Alcohol abuse among young people is a serious and alarming epidemic,” Illinois' Attorney General Lisa Madigan said in a statement. “A product like this only serves to glamorize alcohol abuse and promote binge drinking, threatening the safety of those consuming it.”

According to Madigan, a single can of Blast is equivalent to almost five servings of alcohol.
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