Lil Wayne Helping Education-Based Program Raise $200,000
Original Story Lil Wayne is partnering with The Motivational Edge, a Miami-based program meant to assist at-risk students.
Wayne and The Motivational Edge are seeking $200,000 for the education-centered program, which the rapper says he believes in.
“I’m here to tell you that I stand by the mission of The Motivational Edge,” Lil Wayne says in a video for The Motivational Edge on Indiegogo. “Not just because I support these kids, but because I was one. I grew up in New Orleans, in a neighborhood called Hollygrove, where I didn't have a lot. A lot of other people didn't have a lot. But what I did have was education and music. I figured that if one wouldn't get me out, the other one would, but then I finally learned I wouldn't get out of anything without education. I personally donated to this cause and now we need your help.”
Ian Welsch, the CEO and founder of The Motivational Edge, explained the program's outlook in the same clip.
"I saw an extensive need and a dire need for more creative, more artistic, more expression-based programs for these inner city youth that they weren't getting in the school system," Welsch says. "At the same time as I was feeling this passion, the school system was cutting these classes out."
Supporters of this cause can donate to the cause via Indiegogo. The Motivational Edge and Lil Wayne aspire to raise $200,000. They have raised more than $31,000 as of today (October 23). The goal is to reach $200,000 by December 1.
More on The Motivational Edge can be found below.
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