Supreme Court Could Decide Rapper C-Murder’s Fate Next Week

Original Story Incarcerated Hip-Hop star C-Murder will learn his fate on Tuesday (November 27), when The Supreme Court of New Orleans rules on his murder conviction.

C-Murder, born Corey Miller, is currently serving a mandatory life sentence at Angola State prison, in Louisiana.

C-Murder, 41, was convicted in 2003, for the 2002 shooting of a 16-year-old named Steven Thomas, inside a now-defunct, Harvey nightclub.

In 2006, the verdict was overturned on appeal, when it was learned that prosecutors expunged the criminal backgrounds of various witnesses, in order to bolster their credibility on the stand.

C-Murder’s second trial in 2009 also ended in controversy.

During the deliberations, a juror who voted to convict C-Murder claimed that she was brutally pressured to reach her decision.

Despite her belief that C-Murder was innocent, she claimed she voted guilty, due to pressure from the jury and the judge, to reach a verdict.

C-Murder was eventually convicted 10-2, which was all that was needed for a conviction in the state of Louisiana.
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