2 Chainz Named Spokesman For 2012 “Respect My Vote!” Campaign

Original Story Atlanta rapper 2 Chainz is teaming with the Hip Hop Caucus for the 2012 2012 “Respect My Vote!” campaign.

The Hip Hop Caucus’ non-partisan effort is aimed at mobilizing young voters between the ages of 18 and 40, registering new voter, and teaching felons about their voting rights.

“It meant so much to me when I learned that I had the right to vote, because I’m an ex-felon, who has been blessed with the opportunity to completely turn my life around and become a positive influence to my family and community. It’s very important that once disenfranchised men and women know they can be a part of American democracy again, they have second chance,“ said 2 Chainz. “I’m honored to be a spokesperson for the 2012 ‘Respect My Vote!’ campaign, and to be a part of a movement where celebrities and the community can work together to promote empowerment through political participation.”

According to Reverend Lennox Yearwood of the Hip Hop Caucus, 2 Chainz was specifically selected for his ability to speak to the “Respect My Vote!” target audience, in an authentic manner.

A broad, national coalition of civic engagement organizations are backing the campaign, which will work to counter misinformation disseminated about felons’ and their rights.

The issue disproportionately impacts over 1.4 African-American males.

“Lives will be changed and lives will be saved because 2 Chainz is using his voice to speak authentically to those who have been disenfranchised,” said Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., President and CEO of the Hip Hop Caucus. “2 Chainz is serious about empowering ex-felons to exercise their right to vote, and I’m so sincerely and deeply proud to be able to show the world that this is what democracy looks like.”
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