Odd Future’s Left Brain Accused Of Assault

Original Story A member of hip-hop collective Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All has been accused of striking a female photographer over the weekend at a music festival.

Odd Future’s Left Brain is accused of striking a female photographer during the Voodoo Experience Festival on Sunday (October 30).

According to the Chicago Tribune, the group ‘s frontman Tyler the Creator voiced his dislike for photographers during the performance and complained that they were blocking fans of the group.

Shortly after Tyler’s rant, Left Brain allegedly showered photographers with water kicked their equipment and finally assaulted a woman named Amy Harris.

“I have worked many shows before, and I’ve had to deal with a band flinging water at the photographers, but I never expected this to happen,” Amy Harris told Chicago Tribune.

Although she was allegedly assaulted, Ms. Harris declined to press charges against Left Brain or the group.

A rep for the group dismissed the charges.

“There simply is no truth to the accusation floating around the internet,” a rep for Left Brain said in a statement to Billboard. “It’s no secret that Odd Future has a love/hate relationship with photographers at shows. (It’s) simply because they are given access the group wishes their fans would have instead. After telling the photographers to clear out multiple times (as they’ve done before) Vyron (Left Brain) took a swipe at a few cameras, NOT people. To manipulate the situation to insinuate an attack on a woman specifically is careless and manipulative.”
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