Georgia Parole Board Denies Clemency For Troy Davis

Original Story The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles denied Troy Davis' bid for clemency.

"It is with a very heavy heart and a deep sense of outrage that I let you know that the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles voted to deny clemency to Troy Davis," said a letter sent from Amnesty International.

"This means that very little is standing in the way of the state of Georgia executing a potentially innocent man this Wednesday, September 21 st at 7pm."

"The actions of the Board are astounding in the face of so much doubt in the case against Troy Davis. However, we are not prepared to accept the decision and let anyone with the power to stop the execution off the hook."

Amnesty asks that Troy Davis supporters call Chatham County's District Attorney's office by either telephone: (912)-652-7308 or Fax: (912) 652-7328.

"We'll be organizing a Day of Protest today to express our outrage at the recent decision to deny Troy Davis clemency," added Amnesty. "And on Wednesday (Sept. 21), we're calling for a Day of Vigil on Troy's impending execution date. If you are able to organize locally for either of these events, please tell us about your plans."
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