50 Cent Officially Launches Street King Energy Shot To Fight Hunger

Original Story Rap star 50 Cent celebrated the launch of his new energy drink, Street King last night (September 14th) in New York.

The rapper, along with business manager Chris Lighty and Street King executive Chris Clark, hosted an intimate event for about 50 music executives, journalists and other movers and shakers at the Hudson Hotel.

50 Cent came up with the concept of the Street King energy shot, in order to fight world hunger. For every shot that is purchased, a meal is provided for a child in need.

The rap star's goal is to serve over 1 billion meals, through the Street King energy drink initiative, which has already gather support from superstars like Justin Bieber, Drake, Lady Gaga and others.

“These are some of the most influential people in the world,” 50 Cent told AllHipHop.com. “It's hard to find a guy Justin Bieber stage, who can compete with him in terms of influence."

50 explained he decided to launch the initiative, after traveling the world is witnessing the conditions of people who are less fortunate, and were struggling with extreme levels of poverty.

"It's very exciting I'm looking forward to being able to move forward and do bigger and better positive things," 50 Cent said. "I've said in the test work in progress and I feel like I am progressing."

In related news, his 50 Cent said that upcoming album black magic is completely finished. The rapper is waiting to confirm a release date for his fifth studio album.
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