The Outlawz Rapper Hussein Fatal Killed In Car Accident

Hussein Fatal, a member of Tupac’s group Outlawz, was killed in a car accident on July 11th.

Details surrounding the car accident have yet to become available.

Fatal, a Montclair, New Jersey native, was perhaps best known for his appearances on a string of Tupac records including, “Hit ‘Em Up,” “All About U” and “When We Ride.”

The news of Fatal’s death came from former Outlawz member Napoleon via Facebook.

“From Allah we belong to Allah we return it is confirmed our brother hussein fatal member of the outlawz returned to Allah last night due to a car accident,” Napoleon’s Facebook status says. “Our brother fatal did accept islam and We ask Allah to have mercy on him. He was my old group member and friend for over 20 years and he will be missed. Death comes sudden with out warning and we ask Allah to give us a good ending.”

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