Rihanna Was Reportedly Blocked From Performing A Free Concert In Baltimore Following Riots

Rihanna was prevented from performing a free concert and walking with protestors in Baltimore in the week that followed the riots earlier this year, according to The Baltimore Sun.

Citing emails that were released yesterday (July 27), the publication reports that in a message sent on May 1 to Capt. Eric Kowalczyk—the then head of media relations for Baltimore Police—an officer detailed the conversation he had with a representative for Rihanna.

The representative “advised that Rihanna wants to walk with the protesters as well as perform a free concert,” the officer wrote, according to The Baltimore Sun. “He added that she will be arriving by plane and in an effort to divert press/media she will be traveling to the city by train (or by car if necessary).

“[He] stated that they had hoped to secure some extra police security and was directed by the Governor's office to seek assistance through Communications."

An unnamed officer who was carbon copied on the email forwarded it to the then police commissioner, Anthony Batts. The message was also passed on from Capt. Eric Kowalczy to Kevin Harris, a spokesman for Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

In addition, the free concert was reportedly mentioned in a situation report dated May 1. It’s believed that the concert was prevented because Rihanna didn’t have a permit to perform.

“Possible Rihanna Concert at Penn & North,” the update reads. “No time given. Police are claiming they have no permit so it will not be allowed.”

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