Six Stabbed At Migos Show In Albany, NY

Original Story A Migos concert in Albany came to an abrupt end on Friday night (March 6) after six people in the audience were stabbed during a brawl. Separately, a 19-year old woman reported to police that she was robbed by several men at the show who followed her into the venue's bathroom before assaulting her and stealing her purse.

Police first learned of the stabbings after receiving a call from one of the injured concert-goers around 12:50 am on Saturday, according to CBS6 Albany. While none of the injuries sustained at the concert were life-threatening, the stabbing victims were as young as 16 and 17-years old with the other four ranging between 21 and 28.

Albany police found two of the injured audience-members at the venue while two more arrived at a local emergency room themselves. The final two victims, aged 16 and 22, called police from a private residence after leaving the concert.

An investigation into the stabbings is reportedly underway and Albany police have asked for anyone with information about the incident to come forward.

Migos distanced themselves from the incident on Twitter, writing, "THIS AINT GOT NUN TO DO WIT US." Before responding to press about the stabbings, the group's official Twitter account made light of group-member Quavo falling off the stage while performing.
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