Has It Really Been 4 Years?

Yesterday while sitting outside enjoying some dinner with my girlfriend she said: "You know what tomorrow is? I got scared because I thought I forgot our anniversary again. LOL I thought about it for a few minutes, but I couldn't think of the right answer. She said: Tomorrow you site will be 4 years old. I had to really sit there and let it soak in that it has really been that long. I've always had a huge passion for music especially Hip-Hop. To my friends I've always been the music guru. I've settled countless debates, bets, and given them countless hours of music. So after thinking about it and really getting pushed by my cousin Dominique I started Backpacks & Traps.

Who would've ever thought it transform into what it is now. It really was just a way to keep my friends from calling and texting me about what I was listening too, but it quickly turned into a passion project. I never thought I would get retweets from established artists, over a half a million unique views on the site, and get followed by people I look up to. I know you have so many other options on the web so the fact you visit really means a lot to me. I really just started taking it seriously about two years ago and even thought about giving it up all together last year, but my love for the music and the culture wouldn’t let me. I appreciate every single one of you and thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the web.

P.S. Go check out the first post ever on the site Freddie Gibbs - It's All Cognac. I had to re-upload the song, but I didn't change a word about in the post. I have grown so much since then. LOL Also thanks to Jamani for paying the domain fee for the first year of the site. I'll never forget that.
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