Big Sean Breaks Down “Control”

“I knew what it was for the culture of hip-hop. You see how excited people are, and I wanted to do that for music—make that play happen. It gave me like the feeling of how hip-hop was. How it used to be.”

“When I heard that verse I wasn’t about to go back and change my verse—that’s cheating. That ain’t the way of an O.G. That ain’t how G’s move. I wanted to [release the song] for the culture of hip-hop as opposed to myself. … I just want people to remember I had the song, I knew what it was. No, I didn’t change my verse because I’m not a h** ass ni**a. I’m a real ass ni**a from Detroit. I rep for everything that I do. I knew what it was going to do for hip-hop. I knew what it was going to do for the culture. This is the most exciting rap song to drop this year this year. Period. “
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