Wale Laments Tiara Thomas Departure, Responds To Jay-Z & Nas Comparisons

Original Story Last month, when Wale collaborator Tiara Thomas signed with Division 1/Interscope Geffen A&M, Wale said admitted that the news was bittersweet, but still said, "[I]t's all good. Shout out to Tiara Thomas and her new situation."

Now, it seems that the Washington, D.C. native is singing a different tune.

In an interview with Baltimore, Maryland's 92Q radio station, Wale was asked whether he could see himself getting as involved with assisting another artist as he was with Thomas, who was featured on Wale's latest album, The Gifted, on the track "Bad."

“No…it’ll take a while [for me to do that again]," he replied. "I got trust issues already. I was trying to do something special off loyalty, and based on that... I realized that everybody looking out for themselves. I need to start looking out for myself."

Wale explained that he'd still be involved with other artists, just not to the same extent. "I got artists that I am helping but it will never be at that capacity again,” he added.

Thomas also appeared on Wale's 2010 mixtape More About Nothing.

Wale also spoke about a photo he circulated of himself, J. Cole, and Kendrick Lamar juxtaposed with a photo of Jay-Z, Nas, and Kanye West.

Explaining that none of the younger artists correlated to the veterans, Wale nonetheless took an opportunity to poke fun at himself when asked to draw comparisons. "Well, I sold the least records out of the three, so whoever sold the least records out of Jay-Z, Kanye...so Nas. I'll be where Nas was. Cole about to do some crazy...Cole did crazy numbers. He'll probably go with Jay, and Kendrick would go with Kanye."
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