Nipsey Hussle Detained During Trayvon Martin Rally In California

Original Story Nipsey Hussle was detained by police yesterday (July 16) at a rally taking place in support of slain Florida teen Trayvon Martin, reports TMZ. According to the rapper, the LAPD used excessive force when handling his disabled brother.

Hussle claims the incident started when someone threw a bottle at the vehicle him and a few of his home boys were riding in. He and his posse emerged from the car to say something to the person who tossed the projectile, then drove away. A short time later, the vehicle were swarmed by police. They were allegedly ordered out of the car and detained on suspicion that someone in the crew was packing a firearm. Hussle claims the officers used excessive force on his brother during their procedure. “They pushed his face on the concrete,” he said. “They dropped a knee in his spine then twisted his arm and cuffed him while he was not resisting.”

After police searched his vehicle, during which Hussle claims he was detained for four hours, the rapper was released when no gun was found. A conflicting report by the The LA Daily News alleges the rapper was indeed arrested on two outstanding warrants. Hussle attempted to shoot down that story this morning on his Twitter account typing, “I from slauson and crenshaw I don’t go to jail I drive Benzes and smoke expensive ass weed for living! Lapdk lol otw to the studio [sic].”
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