Meek Mill Has To Take Court-Ordered Etiquette Classes

Original Story Maybach Music Group's Meek Mill was ordered by a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania judge to take etiquette classes by August 4 for his court-ordered probation.

Judge Genece Brinkley said "Meek Mill has a lot of issues," prompting the decision.

At Meek's latest probation hearing for his 2008 drug dealing and gun possession conviction, prosecutors said that his social media activity and conduct in public could "affect his freedom."

According to, the judge has received threats from the Dream Chaser head's fans after Meek posted aggressive messages.

Judge Brinkley and prosecutors also claim that Meek Mill has continued to travel without permission from his probation officer.

The last year has been a crazy one for the Philly-based rapper. He has had Rap beef with fellow Philly-native Cassidy, Twitter beef with Shyne, a feud with Pastor Jomo K. Johnson for the track "Amen" and he dealt with the news that his 18 year-old artist Lil Snupe was murdered in Louisiana last month.

Meek is still experiencing the consequences of his 2008 drug dealing and gun possession conviction.
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