Dame Dash Faces $2.8 Million Tax Lien

Original Story Warning to entertainers; when the IRS wants their paper, they are going to get their paper. Dame Dash is the latest hip-hop celebrity to draw the direct attention of the IRS, collecting a $2.8 million tax lien, according to a report by TMZ.

As previously reported, Dame detailed his financial woes in a five-page court document back in May saying he was in debt and close to losing his suburban Carmel, New York home. It looks like things will get worse before they get better for the Roc-A-Fella co-founder. The IRS has filed documents claiming Dame also owes $2.8 million for unpaid taxes from 2005 and 2011. The Harlem entrepreneur reportedly owes $2,614,918.10 from 2005 and $187,544.20 from two years ago. Not covering a debt to the Government can lead to more than just an IOU. Both Fat Joe and Lauryn Hill have both recently been sentenced to jail time for failing to pay Uncle Sam.
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