Waka Flocka Flame To Host Anti-Violence Concert In Chicago

Original Story Waka Flocka Flame is slated to host a Chicago anti-violence concert, which will be held the first week of June at an undisclosed venue. The goal of the United In Peace INC. and Waka Flocka Flame concert is to help curb the shootings and murders that have taken place in Chi-Town during the last few years.

“Senseless acts of violence [are] happening all over the world, but it starts with us acknowledging the acts now,” Waka Flocka Flame says in a press release. "Chicago is the first but not the last for me."

All proceeds from the anti-violence concert will be given to the United In Peace, INC. organization, which is helmed by Wallace "Gator" Bradley, a former gang enforcer and self-proclaimed urban translator. They are also planning to tour four Chicago-area high schools (Phillips, Du Sable, Fenger and Harper), Chicago State University and Washington Elementary School in Riverdale, Illinois in order to spread a message of peace.

Waka Flocka Flame has been a spokesperson for other philanthropic causes, including PETA.
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