Nas' Attorney Requests That A $10 Million Lawsuit Against The Rapper Be Dropped

Original Story It’s been close to a year and a half since Queensbridge lyricist Nas’ missed appearance at a December 2011 show in Angola resulted in the capture of a concert promoter and his son, and the rapper is still facing legal woes surrounding the kidnapping of the two men.

According to, Nas’ attorney has requested that a judge throw out a $10 million lawsuit the promoter, Allgood Entertainment’s Patrick Allocco, filed last year. The attorney for the rapper stated that any money Nas received from Allocco was eventually returned to the promoter and on top of that Allocco previously revealed that he wouldn’t sue the rapper once he was repaid his $300,000.

It’s unclear what exactly the $10 million requested in the lawsuit covers, but Allocco’s lawsuit does make mention of various financial losses, physical trauma, and even his son’s post-traumatic stress disorder.

Allocco and his son were kidnapped in Angola in late 2011 by employees of concert promoter Henrique “Riquhino” Miguel after Nas was a no-show at a New Year’s Eve concert he was scheduled to perform at in the country.

When questioned about the incident during an interview last year, Nas revealed that proper travel arrangements were never made and he didn’t receive his $300,000 until after he would have traveled to Angola.
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