Jay-Z Reportedly To Divest Share In Nets & Become NBA Agent

Original Story It appears that Jay-Z is making a major move to further ingrain himself into the sports world.

Yahoo! Sports has reported that Jay-Z is looking to divest himself from his less-than-one percent ownership share of the Brooklyn Nets.

The Nets, the National Basketball Association, and the newly-formed Roc Nation Sports have declined to comment on the matter.

The news comes one week after Roc Nation announced its partnership with Creative Artists Agency (CAA) to launch a sports representation agency that has secured New York Yankees player Robinson Cano, and has reportedly secured representation rights with the New York Giants' Victor Cruz.

To become an NBA agent, Jay-Z would be required to sell his share of the Nets, as no one affiliated with a player representation company may have an ownership stake with an NBA team.

The report indicates that rival agents are "anxious" about the prospect of Jay-Z being involved as an agent, because his celebrity status can offer unique marketing and business opportunities.
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