Following Friday's (March 15) news of Gucci Mane dismissing Waka Flocka Flame from 1017 Brick Squad, new reports have emerged. Waka Flocka has persisted tweeting about "BSM," meaning Brick Squad Monopoly, and adding "#BSMBoss."
MissInfo.TV reported that Warner Bros. Records employee Rahim "The Dream" notified his Twitter followers that Gucci Mane's Twitter account was hacked. Gucci Mane has yet to delete or retract the tweets, and has yet to release a statement. Earlier this month, the veteran WBR artist Gucci, announced an official performing name change to "Guwop" via the social media platform, only to retract it the same day.
@missinfo @elliottwilson Gucci's twitter was hacked.
— Rahim the Dream (@Rahim_TheDream) March 16, 2013
Waka Flocka Flame is among those apparently in disbelief of the Twitter hacking claims. The rapper responded to one of his Twitter followers/fans, claiming the WBR reports "#FALSE."
#False RT @c0nnxr_666: @wakaflockabsm Ayy I'm glad Guccis twitter was hacked and there wasnt any beef
— Waka Flocka Flame (@WakaFlockaBSM) March 17, 2013
Previously, Gucci Mane and Waka Flocka Flame released Ferrari Boyz, a full-length collaborative album together in 2011.
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