Too Short Arrested For Drug Possession & Driving Under The Influence

Original Story Oakland, California pioneering emcee Too Short has been arrested, according to Short was reportedly stopped for a traffic violation by police in his vehicle early this morning (March 20) in Los Angeles, California. Appearing under the influence, the rapper was allegedly given a breathalyzer test and is reported at .09—which is over the legal limit.

TMZ's report also alleges that Short tried to escape police once he was out of the vehicle. Unnamed law enforcement sources claim, "Too Short took off ... and tripped as he ran down the street." The report also claims that Too Short tried to dispose of drugs after being detained in the police vehicle.

At present, Too Short is believed to be in the custody of the Los Angeles Police Department.

In 2010, the longtime Jive Records artist was arrested in Boise, Idaho after he was charged with battery involving three club bouncers. Short later spoke out publicly, claiming reports were "exaggerated and false."

The full report is available at
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