Wale Addresses Rick Ross' Drive-By Shooting

Original Story Recently, Rick Ross was targeted in a shooting. During the incident, Ross managed to escape but crashed his Rolls Royce in the process. 50 Cent, Ross' longtime rival laughed about the incident and said it looked staged. Now, one of Ross' MMG artists and friends Wale is speaking out about the incident.

"I think everything, the whole thing, has been blown up," he said in an interview with 94.5. "I think the media is perpetuating a lot of things. God forbid, if something happens to anybody, they're gonna be playing people's records all day."

Wale continued, saying he had to unfollow people on Twitter who were joking on the day the shooting news broke.

"It's a joke to y'all because y'all see him on TV everyday but what if that was your friend? That's my friend. I was talking to him last night about the football game. So, what y'all think is a joke is somebody's health. I know his children. God forbid something happens. And I just lost one of my brothers so I don't even play around with that stuff. I don't play."
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