Universal Zulu Nation Pens Open Letter To WorldStarHipHop CEO

Original Story With its countless videos depicting random acts of violence scattered among the occasional music video, WorldStarHipHop.com (WSHH) has long faced tremendous criticism for the content seen on its pages. Today (February 27th), WSHH and its founder Lee O’Denat seemed to have gained themselves a new adversary, the Universal Zulu Nation.

In an open letter penned by Universal Zulu Nation Minister of Information, Quadeer “M.C. Spice” Shakur, the organization called out WSHH for its false representation of Hip Hop culture in a letter that’s described as being more than just “another person’s opinion.”

“This is a new year, and the Universal Zulu Nation has begun a movement against anyone who is against us,” Shakur revealed. “Mr. O’Denat, either you are for Hip-Hop Culture, or you are not. There is no in-between, and no matter how many people have hyped you to believe that WorldStarHipHop is anything close to what this Culture is, they told you a lie.”

The letter concluded with a threat to bring a particular video posted on WSHH, which may contain a minor being forced to strip themselves of their clothes, to the attention of authorities. Shakur also ended his letter with claims that O’Denat has in fact worked with federal agents.

“This is not the first time you have posted content that has been of this nature, and from the looks of it, this is probably Child Pornography,” said Shakur. “Therefore, I will forward the link and the video to the proper authorities to be sure that these young people are in fact of age and in full consent of being on your site in such a demeaning fashion. I’m unsure if this will bring about any charges, as there is a huge rumor on the streets that you are in fact working for the feds and are using your site as a cover up.”

The full letter from the Universal Zulu Nation can be read at Davey D’s Hip Hop Corner.
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