Snoop Lion Served With $546,000 Tax Lien

Original Story Snoop Lion (also known as Snoop Dogg) owes the Internal Revenue Service $546,270.29.

According to documents retreived by TMZ, the Reincarnated rapper turned reggae artist owes money for two seperate years: 2009 ($101,952.44) and 2011 ($444,317.85).

Tax issues aren't a new thing to the West Coast veteran. Back in 2008, he reportedly owed over $476,000 in back taxes to the IRS but the issue was resolved quickly after the lien was brought to his attention.

Currently, Snoop Dogg is promoting his new album/movie entitled Reincarnated, which explains the Doggfather's transformation from gangster rapper into a person who is now embracing the Rastafarian faith.
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