Trinidad James Officially Announces Signing To Def Jam

Original Story Rumors have been circulating on Twitter and the Internet for the past few weeks that Trinidad James signed a $2 million contract with Def Jam. Now, Billboard has confirmed that the buzzy rapper has in fact inked a deal with the label.

"Def Jam, thank you for believing," said James. Def Jam President Joie Manda added, "We're excited to welcome a young talent like Trinidad James to the Def Jam family. ... Def Jam prides itself as both a cornerstone of hip-hop's rich tradition, and as a vital, forward-thinking label dedicated to breaking and nurturing emerging artists. Trinidad James represents the cutting-edge of what's happening in the culture today. We are thrilled to have him at the label, and look forward to growing his already massive buzz."

The Atlanta, Georgia emcee has been on the rise over the past few months thanks to his breakout single "All Gold Everything." Over on YouTube, the video has clocked more than 3.1 million views.

James recently performed at New York City, New York's Santos Party House for a sold-out crowd that included executives from Def Jam and Atlantic Records.
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