Lil Wayne Sends Message To Sandy Hook Elementary, Says He Regrets Weapons Charge

Original Story By now, Lil Wayne has made it clear that he is a great fan of sports. The emcee has had his own show online, he's appeared on several sports shows in the past and he attends games regularly. But in a recent interview with another sports show, Jim Rome On Showtime, he took the time to talk about more than just sports. While most of the interview was centered around it, perhaps his most heartfelt message came at the end of the interview. During this moment, Wayne expressed regret for his past with weapons and respect to those who suffered from tragedy in the recent Connecticut shooting, showing that he had much more on his mind than just sports & Rap.

When discussing his time in prison, Lil Wayne thanked those who supported him. In particular, he thanked Brett Favre.

"At the moment, it meant more than a lot. At that moment, you're looking for help from anywhere," he explained. "You're looking for support from anywhere possible so to hear Brett Favre say he's praying for me everynight, that put a smile on my face for a long time. And to smile in that place is almost impossible."

He also discussed his displeasure with current NFL rules, gave compliments to some athletes who rap and more.

 However, his most most heartfelt moment came at the end of the interview. During this time, Wayne took a moment to provide a message for Sandy Hook Elementary, the school most affected by the Connecticut shooting.

"Before I leave, I want to say you mentioned that in 2010, I was locked up for a weapon. If there was anything I could do in my life that I could ever change, it'd be that. Sandy Hook Elementary, my heart goes out to you," he said showing that Sandy Hook Elementary was written on his shirt.
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