L.E.P. Bogus Boys Confirm Deal With Interscope

Original Story Reports swirled last week that L.E.P. Bogus boys inked a deal with Gee Roberson's new imprint on Interscope/Geffen/A&M Records called Blueprint.

Eric Alvarez, president and CEO of Infrared Music, has now confirmed the deal with Blueprint to FakeShoreDrive:
“We appreciate any and everyone that’s ever listened to our music, watched our videos and supported our cause. We’re here to open the door for Chicago music and show you what it’s really about, so we can change the misrepresentation of our city and how we’re portrayed to the world. There’s a wealth of positives and potential in our city and region. Everybody knows L.E.P. and Infared Music Group has been carrying the torch and we will continue to brand and grow right here in Chicago. Special shouts out to all the youngins doing it, and a very special shout out to the most promising artist Spenzo (@AintUSpenzo). 2013 it’s all of ours.”
Earlier this year, the duo's show at House of Blues was allegedly shut down by the Chicago Police Department.
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