Nicki Minaj Says Her Third Album Will Be A Continuation Of "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded The Re-Up"

Original Story Nicki Minaj didn't strike chart gold with the release of her repackaged Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded The Re-Up, selling a combined 36,000 copies of the original pressing and the re-release and landing at No. 26 on the charts.

But Nicki's already on to the next one. During an interview with Fuse, the Harajuku Barbie said that her third album will be a "continuation" of The Re-Up, stating that she feels that she struck a chord and wants to expand on what she's already accomplished, "A continuation of the Re-Up with a lot more. I have a lot more to say," she said. "But production-wise, I like where the Re-Up went. I want to continue down that path and add onto that musically."

She also talked about who was on her short list of collaborations, but said that she doesn't actively think about who she wants to duet with. "At this point, it doesn't even matter, to be honest. I've worked with so many amazing people and thank them again for giving me the opportunity. I feel like at this point, it doesn't matter. I feel like whoever I'm meant to work with, I'll work with them. It's out of my hands, it's out of my control now in terms of who I want to work with. I think it's just about the right time and the right chemistry."

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