Nelly Addresses Drug Bust On Tour Bus

Original Story Nelly was in hot water last week after police pulled his tour bus over in Sierra Blanco, Texas and discovered heroin, marijuana and a loaded gun. Breaking his silence on the matter, the St. Lunatic spoke with V-103's Kenny Burns about the experience, stating that he's not at liberty to talk openly about the situation but maintaining his innocence in the matter.

“Certain stuff we can say and certain stuff you can’t say until all that is cleared,” he said. ”We got pulled over and things were noticed as far as K-9 abilities and things went in stages from there. It was kind of wild…When they asked, ‘Whose is this,’ I can tell you who it ain’t.”

Nelly's associate Brian Keith Jones was blamed for contraband on the bus, but later pled not guilty to the charges. The checkpoint where Nelly was stopped has played host to similar busts on Snoop Dogg, Willie Nelson and Fiona Apple in recent years. He said he would never jeopardize his career by bringing such materials on a tour bus through that area.

“It ain’t a good spot to come through with anything you ain’t supposed to have,” Nelly said. “Everything happened so fast. It’s one of those situations where you’re squinting your eyes like, Is this really happening?…There was no way I would jeopardize what Nelly has built for the last 14-15 years being in the situation I was accused.”
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