Lil Wayne - Gone Till November” Book Cover

“They might think they’ve got a pretty jump shot or a pretty good flow, but our kids can’t all aspire to be LeBron or Lil Wayne.” -President Barack Obama

"The numbers don’t lie. Lil’ Wayne is the biggest act in hip hop today–selling out stadiums, consistently topping album sales charts, selling millions of each album (and consistently selling around 1 million copies of each album in the first week), nearly 34 million Facebook fans, and over 5 million Twitter followers, and on and on. Simply put: his fan base is enormous and rabid. He also wins widespread critical acclaim for his brilliant wordplay, resulting in 4 Grammy wins among 8 nominations, and a wellspring of street, indie, and mainstream cred. And yet, he is difficult to know. The most forthcoming he has ever been is his very famous interview with Katie Couric, but even that raised more questions than it answered. His fans desperately want a way into his thought process. This book will be their best chance to date."
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