Jay-Z, Rihanna to Perform with Coldplay for Paralympic Game’s Closing Ceremony

Original Story Marcy Project’s finest, Jay-Z is set to perform alongside longtime friend and collaborator, Chris Martin and his band Coldplay for the Paralympics’ closing ceremony.

While Jay-Z will likely be performing in a duet, Rihanna will also be performing with the British rock group as they perform their song “Princess of China.”

The performance will reportedly have a theme of earth, wind, water, fire and ice, and as such, Rihanna will fittingly be performing her hit song “Umbrella.”

In addition to the superstar performers, Coldplay will also perform along with an orchestra of 17 performers with disabilities.

Fans of Jay-Z and Coldplay’s collaborative efforts will remember the Coldplay Viva La Vida album that featured Jay-Z on the song “Lost.” As well the two were on tour together in 2009 for a stint.

Rihanna has also performed alongside the group in the past, and will do so at the groups September 9th performance in Paris for the “Mylo Xyloto,” show this weekend.
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