Original Story While in Dallas, Texas, Nicki Minaj wrapped up a stop of her tour. She also tweeted to fans that there would be no after party. However, according to Zouk nightclub, the Young Money emcee missed her appearance after being paid $30,000 to attend.
“From my understanding, she was outside, she had shown up, her security had done a walk through and she just decided not to come in,” Zouk's Matt Cislo told the CW affiliate in Dallas.
According to Zouk, they received copies of the money transfer and contract from an outside promoter and Pink Personality LLC, said to be Minaj's group.
“We looked at their contracts, the wire transfer, we had seen everything; that's why we went through with the show,” Cislo added.
On Sunday, Minaj also tweeted a shout out to the promoters who sold tickets under false pretenses.
However, Cislo claims that the agreement was made and says the incident has given his club a negative reputation.
“As soon as everyone found out she wasn't showing up on Twitter they were messaging us, text message, emails, you know why are you putting on a fake show? Just gives us a bad rep,” Cislo explained.
The club will refund fans who purchased tickets to see Minaj make her appearance.
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