Kanye Emerges Victorious In Lawsuit Over “Stronger”

Original Story Hip-Hop star Kanye West was handed a victory in court on Monday (August 20) in a lawsuit over the rapper’s hit single “Stronger.”

Producer Vincent Peters sued Kanye West in June of 2010, claiming that the single, taken from West’s album Graduation, was actually his.

The lawsuit originally claimed that Vincent Peters played the song for John Monopoly at his Chicago home in November of 2006.

He was shocked when he heard significant portions of his version were also incorporated into Kanye’s big hit.

But the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the lawsuit, on the grounds that the both songs were derived from 19th century philosopher, Nietzsche .

“Although the fact that both songs quote from a 19th century German philosopher might, at first blush, seem to be an unusual coincidence, West correctly notes that the aphorism has been repeatedly invoked in song lyrics over the past century,” ruled Judge Diane Wood.

The judge also ruled that there wasn’t enough similarities between the two songs either.

“We are not persuaded that the similarities alleged by Vince P rise to the level of copyright infringement,” the ruling states.
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