Young Buck Discusses IRS Auction, Reacquiring 615 Necklace

Original Story Young Buck's financial woes have been well-publicized, with an IRS auction of the rapper's possessions (including the rights to his name) being the latest development.

As reported earlier, Buck was likely to reacquire "a lot of items," including his 615 chain, which refers to the name of Buck's label and is the area code for Nashville, Tennessee.

Now, Buck has publicly spoken on the matter. "These types of things, they're sentimental to me," said Buck, referring to his 615 chain.

"Anything that holds sentimental value, it had to come back," added Buck. "I ain't never been no material-driven type dude -- the material things ain't never made me. It's nothing that anybody, not just the government, can take from me other than my life that I can't get back."

"I just want people to understand I'm straight," continued the former G-Unit rapper, maintaining an optimistic attitude. "I'm just letting everybody know out there, Young Buck, one hundred, I'm right here, trying to keep everything together, trying to spend as much time as possible with my children."
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1 comment:

  1. Material things never made you, yet you were all in that auction trying to buy back things of sentimental value. Contradictory maybe? Young Buck needs to iron his blue polo and khakis for the 2nd shift at WalMart.
