Elton John Calls Jay-Z’s Support of Same-Sex Marriage “Pivotal”

Original Story During an interview with MSNBC, Sir Elton John praised Jay-Z for voicing his full support of President Obama’s same-sex marriage stance.

The openly gay singer said that he was “incredibly moved” by Hov’s endorsement for the legalization of gay marriage back in May. John, who considers Jay-Z as “probably the most respected African-American artist,” described the move as “pivotal” because he feels that Blacks were “a little apprehensive” when it came to accepting and acknowledging the prejudice towards homosexuals.

“When I next see him I’m going give him the biggest hug,” John said.

The music icon continued by adding that he admires, appreciates and respects Jigga for his representation as a role model.

Hov made his initial statement co-signing the Commander-in-Chief’s stance of same sex marriage during a sitdown interview with CNN on May 14 after announcing that he’ll be the curator and headliner of the Budweiser Made In America music festival during Labor Day Weekend in Philadelphia.

“I mean, I always thought of it as something that’s still holding the country back,” said Hov about certain states still not allowing gay marriage. “What people do in their own homes is their business. You choose to love whoever you love. That’s their business. It’s no different than discriminating against Blacks. It’s discrimination plain and simple.”

Other prominent rappers, most notably 50 Cent and T.I., have joined Hov in supporting Obama’s stance on same-sex marriage.
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