Forensic IT Specialist Takes Stand in Lil Boosie Murder Case

Original Story A forensic IT specialist was called to the stand on Wednesday (May 9), day five of Lil Boosie’s murder trial in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

According to WAFB 9, in Louisiana, Constantino Dimitrelos examined hard drives taken from computers belonging to Hatch. The news channel reports that there was a focus on a particular picture taken at a tattoo parlor present on one of the drives.

On Tuesday (May 8), Detective Charles Johnson, of the Baton Rouge Police Department, testified that Boosie wouldn’t have been a suspect in the murder of Terry Boyd had the alleged killer, Michael “Marlo Mike” Louding, 19, not brought up Hatch’s name.

Earlier in the week, Louding testified himself and said that he never participated in Boyd’s homicide. He also shockingly told the jury that he lied about killing five other people over a 14-month span.

The tattoo aside, WAFB 9 reports that at some point in the trial, prosecutors expect to bring specific Boosie lyrics into play in trying to pin him to Boyd’s October 21, 2009 murder. Those lyrics include the slang 187, mirk and cake, the first two breaking down to meaning murder, the second money.

“Torrence Hatch wrote some of those lyrics,” Williams told WAFB. “There are other artists who wrote other parts of the lyrics. The lyrics have nothing to do with his crime. He’s a rap artist. He has thousand of lyrics.”

In November of last year, Hatch was sentenced to eight years in state prison after pleading guilty to drug charges, but his lawyers maintain that he’s not a murderer.
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