Nipsey Hussle Partners With DJ Skee In Attempt To "Change The Music Industry"

Original Story For years, DJ Skee says he and Nipsey Hussle have had a friendly relationship that has evolved into a new business partnership. The mutual respect and support has been their since their initial meeting, according to Skee. Now, the two are officially teaming up in a partnership that they feel might "change the music industry," as Skee mentioned in the announcement. During a radio interview, the pair announced their new partnership, explaining that more announcemenets will soon follow.

"The big announcement that we talking about today is that DJ Skee and Neighborhood Nip teaming up. We connected our movements," Nipsey noted, explaining that their partnership makes sense. He added that the two can also create an impact on the Web, sharing that new artists breaking out of late have been able to control the Internet and new media.

"It’s 2012 and we saw the artists that have been successful recently. Most of them built up their Internet base ahead of time and took advantage of the Internet and the new media and so, I think that what you’ve got going, Skee, is the perfect platform for artists like myself.”

While the announcement was treated as a surprise, rumors were already swirling around this partnership. Still, there is more to speculate on. As the interview ended, Skee and Nipsey were secretive but they teased that more news is on the way.

"There's some other stuff coming up too," Skee added. "We're literally trying to change the music industry."
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