Mitt Romney's Camp Agrees To Stop Using K'Naan's "Waving Flag"

Original Story According to the New York Times, Mitt Romney’s camp will no longer be playing K’Naan’s “Waving Flag” during any of the Republican Presidential Candidate’s future events. Romney’s camp played the song after a victory speech during the Florida Primary.

Likely unpleased by the conservative politician using his music, K’Naan reached out directly to Romney’s camp via Twitter and said he didn’t endorse the use of the song—and by extension, Romney’s platform. There was talk of possibly pursuing legal action, as songwriter Frankie Sullivan has sued former Speaker of the House (and Romney’s rival for the Republican nomination), Newt Gingrich. However it looks as if that won’t be necessary.

“The song was used through our regular blanket license, but we respect K’Naan’s statement and will not use his music again,” Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul told the Times.
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