Kanye West Returns to Twitter, Talks DONDA Company, Summer School Aspirations

Original Story Kanye West had been tweeting all day, debunking the “fake” @DwbyKanye fashion line Twitter page among other things. But, around midnight EST (actually 5am GMT, because he’s in London), he went into overdrive. Kanye tweeted about everything from being back in his fashion offices, to being inspired by Michael Jackson and Steve Jobs, to philosophies on school.

“We need to take what Michael Jackson felt and Mcqueen and Steve Jobs and we need make things better…” The Louis Vuitton Don opined via his @kanyewest handle.

Later he spoke on the recently-completed blockbuster Watch The Throne tour with himself and Jay-Z.

“When me and Jay toured… eveyr night I peered into the audience astonished by the different walks of life that came to support us,” he wrote.

But the biggest scoop ‘Ye revealed was on a creative venture he plans on launching that pays homage to his deceased mother.

“I have started a new company and I’m so excited about the name,” he said. “…. it’s got the best name ever of all companies of all time! The name of the company is DONDA. DONDA is a design company which will galvanize amazing thinkers and put them in a creative space to bounce there dreams and ideas… I used to blog all the time an fit was a way to get my opinion out.. Dr Dre redesigned headphones and made more impact off of one product.

“I am assembling a team of architects, graphic designers, directors musicians, producers, AnRs, writers, publicist, social media experts,” he continued. “… app guys, managers, car designers, clothing designers, DJs, video game designers, publishers, tech guys, lawyers, bankers, nutritionist … doctors, scientists, teachers.. DONDA will be comprised of over 22 divisions with a goal to make products and experiences that people want and can afford… care about people who have never heard of me… There are over 7 billion people on the planet now…I want to put creatives in a room together with like minds that are all the waaaay doper than me. We want to help simplify and aesthetically improve everything we see hear, touch, taste and feel. …To dream of, create, advertise and produce products driven equally by emotional want and utilitarian need.. To marry our wants and needs. This will all take time but I wanted everyone to know what I really care about… I care about people. I care about my fans..”

In addition, West, who is currently working on an album that features his entire G.O.O.D. Music family, also posted that he and director Spike Jonze have aspirations of starting a summer school that will focus on “new forms of curriculum.”
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