Rick Ross Speaks On Jay-Z Collaboration, Updates On Health

Original Story Rick Ross previously revealed that he netted a collaboration with Jay-Z for his upcoming album God Forgives, I Don’t, which he claims is “our biggest collaboration ever.” Speaking with Sucker Free’s DJ Envy, Ricky Rozay discussed the duet and confirmed it will appear on his 2012 LP.

“You know, whenever me and the homie come together to collaborate, we gotta make it something special for Hip Hop,” he said. “We always make sure we have fun with it, but this record right here, this is our biggest collaboration ever. It will be featured on God Forgives, I Don’t.”

He also reflected on his health scare and pair of seizures, explaining that he’s trying to get his life in order and take it easier. The MMG boss says that he couldn’t wait to get back to the studio after getting out of the hospital and now has a clean bill of heath.

“Coming out the hospital, you be ready to get back to work. I’m a grinder, I’m a hustler. That’s the next order of business. You’re so used to moving at 80 miles per hour. I gotta get rest now. Well, I’m supposed to. I try to. That’s what it was. I’m blessed, man. I went in and had my MRI and everything came back straight. It was just a case of me being overly exhausted.”
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