MC Hammer Sued For $700,000 In Back Taxes

Original Story MC Hammer’s back taxes are back to haunt him.

The “Can’t Touch This” rapper and his wife are being sued by the United States government for the $779,585 it claims the rapper owes in back taxes, reports TMZ. According to the documents, the back taxes are from the years 1996 and 1997, the former when Hammer filed for bankruptcy due to a $13 million debt. The U.S. gov is demanding any concert earnings Hammer makes moving forward be redirected straight to them.

Last year, MC Hammer released a dis track towards Jay-Z titled “Better Run Run” after the latter made reference to him in the Kanye West song, “So Appalled.” “Hammer went broke so you know I’m all focused / I lost 30 mill so I spent another 30 / ‘Cause unlike Hammer / 30 million can’t hurt me,” Jay rapped, to which Hammer responded on Twitter: “@kanyewest jay-hoe aka #HellBoy Tell Jay Oct 31 (Devils Nite) We’ll see if this record and video”Hurt’s Him.”
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