Mac Miller Donates $50K To Make-A-Wish Foundation

Original Story With his album Blue Slide Park earning a number one spot debut and nearly 150,000 copies sold in its first week, Mac Miller has a lot to celebrate this year. But the Pittsburgh emcee decided to commemorate his success in a different way: by donating $50,000 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

According to a recent article from Soul Culture, Mac Miller put his John Hancock on a $50,000 check to the Make-A-Wish Foundation during a live show in his hometown of Pittsburgh.

Mac apparently promised to donate $50K to the charity, which grants wishes to children with life-threatening ailments, if he sold $50,000 worth of pre-sale copies of his debut LP. Although Mac didn't end up reaching the desired mark, he decided to donate the sum of money regardless.
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