Wale Surprises Students Who Earned Good Grades

Original Story Washington, DC rapper Wale surprised high school students yesterday (November 1) in Prince Georges County, Maryland.

The rapper’s appearance at Central High School was meant to encourage and inspire over 400 students, who were rewarded for their positive behavior, good grades and perfect attendance.

According to local station WTOP, the students had gathered at an assembly, where they thought they were simply going to receive awards for their accomplishments at school.

As the students watched their peers in a fashion show, the lights dimmed and Wale suddenly took to the stage.

After the surprise performance, Wale talked to the students at length about their potential, their future and making wise decisions.

He also explained that he was amazed at how far he has come since he graduated from high school.

“When you leave high school, you kind of realize that you haven’t really put your all into anything,” Wale said. “You have to live enough of your life to know what it’s like to put your all into everything, and this is the first thing that I’ve ever put my all into.”

Wale’s second album Ambition hit stores yesterday (November 1) on Rick Ross’s Maybach Music Group.
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