Lupe Fiasco To Headline Hip-Hop Panel Commemorating “Lasers” Protest

Original Story Lupe Fiasco and The Fiasco Street Team will hold a Hip-Hop discussion panel this Saturday, November 12, at St. Francis College in Brooklyn Heights, New York.

The panel will commemorate the anniversary of the historic “Fiasco Friday” event, where hundreds of fans protested outside Atlantic Records in New York City for the release of Fiasco’s latest release, Lasers.

The goal of event is bring together artists, bloggers and writers, political activists, professors, and fans to consider the current state of Hip-Hop and explore the crossing lines between all mediums.

“This is our first event,” said co-organizer of The Fiasco Street Team, Luella Mink. “We figured since our inspiration to form the team came from us being anxious to spread awareness and inspire a new generation of leaders, it only made sense to hold a discussion on the current state of Hip-Hop, where it’s at, and where it’s going.”

Topics to be discussed include: Hip-Hop as a means for social change, Hip-Hop’s effect on local communities and corporate America, mainstream radio, and other controversial, stimulating topics.

“We feel the history of misogyny and the negative materialistic messages to the youth have devalued Hip-Hop and turned many people against it,” explained Mink. “It’s imperative to speak on these topics and ask hard questions to get hard answers.”

Doors open at 2pm, and the event will run from 3pm until 5pm. Confirmed panelists include Lupe Fiasco, Toni Blackman, Nitty Scott MC, journalist Jay Rodriguez, creator Byron Hurt, and more.

Tickets are $10, and the event is open to general public. All proceeds from ticket sales will benefit the Horn Of Africa fundraiser.

“We want youth leaders to listen, ask questions, and actively participate in our dialogue to prepare them to discuss these issues with friends and family,” Mink added. “We want the attendees to critically think about Hip-Hop and music and not just accept the songs and messages that come from their radios. We want to instill a gear in Hip-Hop that can drive the youths’ minds to progress and create change and just do good in general.”
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