Jay-Z Launching Occupy Wall Street-Inspired Shirts

Original Story Just a couple of days ago, Jay-Z was photographed wearing a T-shirt that read the words “Occupy All Streets,” inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement. Now, Gawker reports that Jigga Man is going to be dropping the exclusive tees through his Rocawear line starting today (November 11).

A spokeswoman for Rocawear told the newspaper that the T-shirts were being produced in support of the movement, but not financially. “‘Occupy All Streets’ is our way of reminding people that there is change to be made everywhere, not just on Wall Street,” the Rocawear spokeswoman said in a statement. “At this time, we have not made an official commitment to monetarily support the movement.”

Meanwhile, Occupy Wall Street protesters continued their march to Washington, D.C. Thursday (November 10), making a stop at Rahwah, N.J., where a family fed them peanut butter-and-jelly and sandwiches, fruit and water. They hope to make it to the nation’s capital on Nov. 23 and plan to persuade lawmakers not to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich
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