T.I. Signs With Hip-Hop Since 1978 Management

Original Story With his music career back on track and his novel Power & Beauty on the way, T.I. is making some moves behind the scenes. According to Billboard.biz, Tip has signed with management team Hip-Hop Since 1978, which touts a roster that includes Lil Wayne, Drake, Kanye West and more.

T.I., who launched his Grand Hustle Entertainment with manager Jason Geter in 2003, said the move was somewhat inspired by his longstanding relationship with Gee Roberson, former VP of A&R at Atlantic and current Chairman at Geffen.

"Gee's always been a big part of our operation just not in the capacity of manager," said T.I. of Roberson, who is co-CEO at HHS1978. "[From] the executive producer standpoint and A&R standpoint, he made gigantic contributions to probably the past three or four T.I. albums, but he's assumed a large responsibility over at Geffen so that kind of took a big part of my team away. When [Jason Geter] and I both agreed that we would be considering expanding the management team, and then sat down and talked about possible candidates, he was definitely one of the first people that came up."

Tip said that his longtime manager Geter will still be involved in his career, referring to the arrangement as "unconventional."

"Of course you also have Grand Hustle management - Jason still maintains his position. You have Gee and [Hip Hop Since] '78 who come in with their expertise in several areas, who works alongside [Jason]. And then you got Category 5, Brian Sher [founder of Category 5 Entertainment, formerly of ICM], who's there from the film and television area," he said. "I've got different pieces of management who have extreme levels of expertise in their areas… We feel that's the best way to have appropriate execution and to take advantage of all the opportunities that are ever present in the marketplace for me."
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