50 Cent Announces New Program To Provide One Million Meals In A Week

Original Story Rap star 50 Cent continues his philanthropic work and has started a new initiative to fight hunger worldwide, through his new Street King energy shot that he recently released.

Today (October 17), the rapper kicked off a new initiative called “Hustle With 50 Cent,” which has a goal to provide 1,000,000 meals in one week, using popular social networking site Facebook.

Every time someone likes the Street King Facebook page, 50 Cent will fund one meal for one child. His goal is to get 1,000,000 likes in one week, to provide 1,000,000 children with a meal.

The rapper is even going above and beyond the responsibilities of his initial program.

If his Facebook page reaches the goal of 1,000,000 likes in one week, 50 Cent will match each donation and provide 1,000,000 more meals for a another million children.

The rapper’s initiative is timed to coincide with the World Food Day, which is run by the United Nation’s World Food Programme.

Check out 50 Cent’s Street King Facebook page and like it to help feed children by clicking here: bit.ly/Hustleto1MM
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