Teachers Union Pulls Support For Board Candidate Over UGK Affiliation

Original Story An influential teachers union in Atlanta has pulled their support for a candidate running for the school board, after finding out he was the Vice President of the Hip-Hop label founded by legendary rapper Chad "Pimp C." Butler.

The Atlanta Federation of Teachers withdrew their support for candidate Byron Amos, after finding out that he was the Vice President of UGK Records.

School board members were shocked when they found several explicative laced videos featuring Amos, including one honoring the late Pimp C.

Despite his affiliation with UGK records, Atlanta Federation of Teachers President Verdaillia Turner said that Byron Amos had been active with children in the area.

"Mr. Amos stood out as the only candidate with children in Atlanta Public Schools. He's been very actively engaged," Turner told CBS Atlanta.

But Byron Amos' past affiliation with UGK Records does not sit well with Shawnna Hayes Tavarez, president of Southwest Northwest Atlanta Parents and Partners for Schools.

She interviewed Byron Amos and other school board candidates on Wednesday (September 7th).

"For him to actually want to run for the board and say that he cares about children, when what he's doing is using this music to do the worst for our children. It's like robbing them and killing them. It's like cheating for them," said Tavares.
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