Interscope Denies Involvement In Drug Ring

Original Story Interscope has released a statement in response to federal prosecutors' claims that the music label's offices were used by a drug-trafficking ring tied to Game's manager, Jimmy "Henchman" Rosemond.

"The information being reported in the press regarding Interscope Records' involvement with the ongoing criminal prosecution of James Rosemond is both erroneous and completely unsupported," said the label, according to Billboard. "Interscope Records has been informed by the United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York that there is no evidence that any employee of UMG or Interscope Records had any involvement in the drug trafficking ring being prosecuted by that office, nor any knowledge of the contents of any of the packages that were purportedly shipped to its offices. Further, neither UMG nor Interscope Record are a subject or target of the investigation. UMG and Interscope will continue to cooperate with the United States Attorney's Office regarding this matter."

Just days ago, revealed a letter sent to Rosemond's lawyer by prosecutor Todd Kaminsky, disclosing that investigators were turning over discovery material, which Kaminsky said included documentation of "pickups and deliveries at...Interscope Records," among other locations.

Last December, acting on a tip from Khalil Abdullah, a Rosemond associate who pleaded guilty to narcotics trafficking and obstruction of justice charges, DEA agents seized a case containing nearly $800,000 from a New York recording studio. DEA agents learned that a road manager from Rosemond's Czar entertainment “had arranged for the case to be transported from the studio in which it was discovered to Los Angeles.”
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