Foxy Brown Preps Album, Book, Possible Playboy Cover

Original Story Foxy Brown is back front and center, sounding rejuvenated just days after a Brooklyn Supreme Court judge dismissed her case over violating a restraining order and allegedly mooning her neighbor.

In a recent interview with the New York Post, the Ill Na Na says she’s irked about the perception of her through allegations like this and past run-ins with the law, but is onto bigger and better things such as finally releasing another album and planning to become a spokeswoman for the National Deaf Association. The alleged mooning incident did take its toll, though.
“The mooning thing bother me more than anything else in the past – because I’m a lady,” Brown, real name Inga Marchand, told the Post. “I’m cut from a different cloth. I would never moon someone. I was raised in a good family.”

Fox says she’s gotten through the ordeal with the help of her fiancĂ©e and bible study, which she attends every Friday night.

The Brooklyn bombshell also told the Post that she plans on dropping her album as soon as this year and that she is suing New York City for $100,000 for civil-rights violations, false arrest and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

In addition, Fox revealed that the world could be seeing a lot more of her than ever before, as she’s mulling over a $2 million offer from Hugh Hefner to pose on the cover of Playboy.
Through everything she’s been through, Fox is proud to have played a more low key role in the business.

“I live a different life,” said Brown, 31, to the Post. “I’m not at every party. I’m not seen everywhere. That’s why people still care about my brand. I’ve never whored myself out.”
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